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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
51LogoPower Instrumentation Gujarat LtdPIGL1005%
52LogoPrism Johnson LtdPRSMJOHNSN1005%
53LogoReliance Industrial Infrastructure LtdRIIL1005%
54LogoSanghi Industries LtdSANGHIIND1005%
55LogoShree Digvijay Cement Company LtdSHREDIGCEM1005%
56LogoSpml Infra LtdSPMLINFRA1005%
57LogoGayatri Highways LtdGAYAHWS1005%
58LogoVisaka Industries LtdVISAKAIND1005%
59LogoBdr Buildcon LtdBDR1005%
60LogoJmc Projects India LtdJMCPROJECT1005%
61LogoRamco Industries LtdRAMCOIND1005%
62LogoG R Infraprojects LtdGRINFRA1005%
63LogoNuvoco Vistas Corporation LtdNUVOCO1005%
64LogoDhruv Consultancy Services LtdDHRUV1005%
65LogoSejal Glass LtdSEJALLTD1005%
66LogoUdaipur Cement Works LtdUDAICEMENT1005%
67LogoHec Infra Projects LtdHECPROJECT1005%
68LogoC C Constructions LtdCANDC1005%
69LogoNila Infrastructures LtdNILAINFRA1005%
70LogoSimplex Infrastructures LtdSIMPLEXINF1005%
71LogoIl Fs Engineering Construction Company LtdIL&FSENGG1005%
72LogoIl Fs Transportation Networks LtdIL&FSTRANS1005%
73LogoPnc Infratech LtdPNCINFRA1005%
74LogoSonu Infratech LtdSONUINFRA1005%
75LogoInternational Constructions LtdSUBCAPCITY1005%
76LogoPower Mech Projects LtdPOWERMECH1005%
77LogoSadbhav Infrastructure Project LtdSADBHIN1005%
78LogoNoida Toll Bridge Company LtdNOIDATOLL1005%
79LogoAb Infrabuild LtdABINFRA1005%
80LogoJaiprakash Associates LtdJPASSOCIAT1005%
81LogoKridhan Infra LtdKRIDHANINF1005%
82LogoPatel Engineering LtdPATELENG1005%
83LogoSalasar Exteriors And Contour LtdSECL1005%
84LogoPba Infrastructure LtdPBAINFRA1005%
85LogoSoril Infra Resources Ltd/SORILINFRA1005%
86LogoB L Kashyap Sons LtdBLKASHYAP1005%
87LogoPunj Lloyd LtdPUNJLLOYD1005%
88LogoAkash Infra Projects LtdAKASH1005%
89LogoAtlanta LtdATLANTA1005%
90LogoAction Construction Equipment LtdACE1005%
91LogoMadhucon Projects LtdMADHUCON1005%
92LogoMcnally Bharat Engineering Company LtdMBECL1005%
93LogoSagar Cements LtdSAGCEM1005%
94LogoOriental Trimex LtdORIENTALTL1005%
95LogoNcl Industries LtdNCLIND1005%
96LogoAro Granite Industries LtdAROGRANITE1005%
97LogoDeccan Cements LtdDECCANCE1005%
98LogoConsolidated Construction Consortium LtdCCCL1005%
99LogoSupreme Infrastructure India LtdSUPREMEINF1005%
100LogoBarak Valley Cements LtdBVCL1005%