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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
1LogoAmber Enterprises India LtdAMBER1005%
2LogoBajaj Electricals LtdBAJAJELEC1005%
3LogoBlue Star LtdBLUESTARCO1005%
4LogoCrompton Greaves Consumer Electricals LtdCROMPTON1005%
5LogoDixon Technologies India LtdDIXON1005%
6LogoFinolex Cables LtdFINCABLES1005%
7LogoHavells India LtdHAVELLS1005%
8LogoHoneywell Automation India LtdHONAUT1005%
9LogoIfb Industries LtdIFBIND1005%
10LogoJohnson Controls Hitachi Air Conditioning India LtdJCHAC1005%
11LogoKei Industries LtdKEI1005%
12LogoOrient Electric LtdORIENTELEC1005%
13LogoPolycab India LtdPOLYCAB1005%
14LogoSymphony LtdSYMPHONY1005%
15LogoTtk Prestige LtdTTKPRESTIG1005%
16LogoV Guard Industries LtdVGUARD1005%
17LogoVoltas LtdVOLTAS1005%
18LogoWhirlpool Of India LtdWHIRLPOOL1005%
19LogoS S Power Switchgear LtdS&SPOWER1005%
20LogoPulz Electronics LtdPULZ1005%
21LogoDelta Manufacturing LtdDELTAMAGNT1005%
22LogoSolex Energy LtdSOLEX1005%
23LogoGodha Cabcon Insulation LtdGODHA1005%
24LogoStove Kraft LtdSTOVEKRAFT1005%
25LogoMirc Electronics LtdMIRCELECTR1005%
26LogoButterfly Gandhimathi Appliances LtdBUTTERFLY1005%
27LogoBorosil Renewables LtdBORORENEW1005%
28LogoV Marc India LtdVMARCIND1005%
29LogoNitiraj Engineers LtdNITIRAJ1005%
30LogoModison LtdMODISNME1005%
31LogoUniversal Cables LtdUNIVCABLES1005%
32LogoEasun Reyrolle LtdEASUNREYRL1005%
33LogoDiamond Power Infrastructure LtdDIAPOWER1005%
34LogoSpectrum Electrical Industries LtdSPECTRUM1005%
35LogoServotech Power Systems LtdSERVOTECH1005%
36LogoFocus Lighting And Fixtures LtdFOCUS1005%
37LogoWonder Fibromats LtdWFL1005%
38LogoRicha Info Systems LtdRICHA1005%
39LogoVeto Switchgears Cables LtdVETO1005%
40LogoSonam Clock LtdSONAMCLOCK1005%
41LogoHardwyn India LtdHARDWYN1005%
42LogoKhaitan India LtdKHAITANLTD1005%
43LogoIndosolar LtdINDOSOLAR1005%
44LogoSalzer Electronics LtdSALZERELEC1005%
45LogoApar Industries LtdAPARINDS1005%
46LogoB C Power Controls LtdBCP1005%
47LogoGenus Power Infrastructures LtdGENUSPOWER1005%
48LogoBharat Bijlee LtdBBL1005%
49LogoParamount Communications LtdPARACABLES1005%
50LogoHbl Power Systems LtdHBLPOWER1005%