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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
1LogoAcc LtdACC1005%
2LogoAmbuja Cements LtdAMBUJACEM1005%
3LogoAshoka Buildcon LtdASHOKA1005%
4LogoBirla Corporation LtdBIRLACORPN1005%
5LogoDilip Buildcon LtdDBL1005%
6LogoGayatri Projects LtdGAYAPROJ1005%
7LogoGmr Airports Infrastructure LtdGMRINFRA1005%
8LogoGrasim Industries LtdGRASIM1005%
9LogoHeidelberg Cement India LtdHEIDELBERG1005%
10LogoIndia Cements LtdINDIACEM1005%
11LogoIrb Infrastructure Developers LtdIRB1005%
12LogoIrcon International LtdIRCON1005%
13LogoItd Cementation India LtdITDCEM1005%
14LogoJk Cement LtdJKCEMENT1005%
15LogoJk Lakshmi Cement LtdJKLAKSHMI1005%
16LogoKnr Constructions LtdKNRCON1005%
17LogoNbcc India LtdNBCC1005%
18LogoNcc LtdNCC1005%
19LogoOrient Cement LtdORIENTCEM1005%
20LogoPraj Industries LtdPRAJIND1005%
21LogoRail Vikas Nigam LtdRVNL1005%
22LogoRites LtdRITES1005%
23LogoSadbhav Engineering LtdSADBHAV1005%
24LogoShree Cements LtdSHREECEM1005%
25LogoStar Cement LtdSTARCEMENT1005%
26LogoThe Ramco Cements LtdRAMCOCEM1005%
27LogoWelspun Corp LtdWELCORP1005%
28LogoMep Infrastructure Developers LtdMEP1005%
29LogoSkipper LtdSKIPPER1005%
30LogoRachana Infrastructure LtdRILINFRA1005%
31LogoCmm Infraprojects LtdCMMIPL1005%
32LogoOmfurn India LtdOMFURN1005%
33LogoRajdarshan Industries LtdARENTERP1005%
34LogoNiraj Cement Structurals LtdNIRAJ1005%
35LogoAtal Realtech LtdATALREAL1005%
36LogoLikhitha Infrastructure LtdLIKHITHA1005%
37LogoEverest Industries LtdEVERESTIND1005%
38LogoTantia Constructions LtdTANTIACONS1005%
39LogoHindustan Construction Company LtdHCC1005%
40LogoHil LtdHIL1005%
41LogoIndian Hume Pipe Company LtdINDIANHUME1005%
42LogoRkec Projects LtdRKEC1005%
43LogoHg Infra Engineering LtdHGINFRA1005%
44LogoKakatiya Cement Sugar Industries LtdKAKATCEM1005%
45LogoKcp LtdKCP1005%
46LogoKesoram Industries LtdKESORAMIND1005%
47LogoMangalam Cement LtdMANGLMCEM1005%
48LogoGeneric Engineering Construction And Projects LtdGENCON1005%
49LogoGiriraj Civil Developers LtdGIRIRAJ1005%
50LogoSs Infrastructure Development Consultants LtdSSINFRA1005%