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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
1LogoAdani Green Energy LtdADANIGREEN1005%
2LogoAdani Power LtdADANIPOWER1005%
3LogoAdani Total Gas LtdATGL1005%
4LogoCesc LtdCESC1005%
5LogoGail India LtdGAIL1005%
6LogoGujarat State Petronet LtdGSPL1005%
7LogoGujarat Gas LtdGUJGASLTD1005%
8LogoIndraprastha Gas LtdIGL1005%
9LogoJsw Energy LtdJSWENERGY1005%
10LogoKalpataru Power Transmissions LtdKALPATPOWR1005%
11LogoMahanagar Gas LtdMGL1005%
12LogoNava LtdNAVA1005%
13LogoNhpc LtdNHPC1005%
14LogoNlc India LtdNLCINDIA1005%
15LogoNtpc LtdNTPC1005%
16LogoPower Grid Corporation Of India LtdPOWERGRID1005%
17LogoPtc India LtdPTC1005%
18LogoReliance Infrastructure LtdRELINFRA1005%
19LogoReliance Power LtdRPOWER1005%
20LogoSjvn LtdSJVN1005%
21LogoTata Power Company LtdTATAPOWER1005%
22LogoTechno Electric Engineering Company LtdTECHNOE1005%
23LogoTorrent Power LtdTORNTPOWER1005%
24LogoVa Tech Wabag LtdWABAG1005%
25LogoBanka Bioloo LtdBANKA1005%
26LogoGujarat Industries Power Company LtdGIPCL1005%
27LogoIon Exchange India LtdIONEXCHANG1005%
28LogoPowergrid Infrastructure Investment TrustPGINVIT1005%
29LogoInox Wind Energy LtdIWEL1005%
30LogoBright Solar LtdBRIGHT1005%
31LogoKpi Green Energy LtdKPIGREEN1005%
32LogoShrem InvitSHREMINVIT1005%
33LogoKotyark Industries LtdKOTYARK1005%
34LogoNational Highways Infra TrustNHIT1005%
35LogoZodiac Energy LtdZODIAC1005%
36LogoInox Wind LtdINOXWIND1005%
37LogoGmr Power And Urban Infra LtdGMRP&UI1005%
38LogoEmbassy Office Parks ReitEMBASSY1005%
39LogoAdani Transmission LtdADANITRANS1005%
40LogoOriental Infra TrustOSEINTRUST1005%
41LogoSurana Telecom And Power LtdSURANAT&P1005%
42LogoJaiprakash Power Ventures LtdJPPOWER1005%
43LogoBf Utilities LtdBFUTILITIE1005%
44LogoIndowind Energy LtdINDOWIND1005%
45LogoEnergy Development Company LtdENERGYDEV1005%
46LogoIndia Power Corporation LtdDPSCLTD1005%
47LogoRattanindia Power LtdRTNPOWER1005%
48LogoKkv Agro Powers LtdKKVAPOW1005%
49LogoKarma Energy LtdKARMAENG1005%