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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
1LogoChambal Fertilisers Chemicals LtdCHAMBLFERT1005%
2LogoCoromandel International LtdCOROMANDEL1005%
3LogoGujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Chemicals LtdGNFC1005%
4LogoGujarat State Fertilizer Chemicals LtdGSFC1005%
5LogoNational Fertilizers LtdNFL1005%
6LogoRashtriya Chemicals Fertilizers LtdRCF1005%
7LogoAgro Phos India LtdAGROPHOS1005%
8LogoKhaitan Chemicals Fertilizers LtdKHAICHEM1005%
9LogoThe Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore LtdFACT1005%
10LogoMadras Fertilizers LtdMADRASFERT1005%
11LogoSikko Industries LtdSIKKO1005%
12LogoParadeep Phosphates LtdPARADEEP1005%
13LogoMadhya Bharat Agro Products Ltd/MBAPL1005%
14LogoKrishana Phoschem LtdKRISHANA1005%
15LogoMangalore Chemicals Fertilizers LtdMANGCHEFER1005%
16LogoNagarjuna Fertilizers And Chemicals LtdNAGAFERT1005%