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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
1LogoAdani Ports Special Economic Zone LtdADANIPORTS1005%
2LogoAllcargo Logistics LtdALLCARGO1005%
3LogoBlue Dart Express LtdBLUEDART1005%
4LogoCochin Shipyard LtdCOCHINSHIP1005%
5LogoGreat Eastern Shipping Company LtdGESHIP1005%
6LogoGujarat Pipavav Port LtdGPPL1005%
7LogoInterglobe Aviation LtdINDIGO1005%
8LogoMahindra Logistics LtdMAHLOG1005%
9LogoTci Express LtdTCIEXP1005%
10LogoVrl Logistics LtdVRLLOG1005%
11LogoMazagon Dock Shipbuilders LtdMAZDOCK1005%
12LogoFuture Supply Chain Solutions LtdFSC1005%
13LogoAccuracy Shipping LtdACCURACY1005%
14LogoReliance Naval And Engineering LtdRNAVAL1005%
15LogoTara Chand Infralogistic Solutions LtdTARACHAND1005%
16LogoSeamec LtdSEAMECLTD1005%
17LogoAvg Logistics LtdAVG1005%
18LogoShipping Corporation Of India LtdSCI1005%
19LogoShreyas Shipping Logistics LtdSHREYAS1005%
20LogoShree Vasu Logistics LtdSVLL1005%
21LogoTil LtdTIL1005%
22LogoSnowman Logistics LtdSNOWMAN1005%
23LogoGarden Reach Shipbuilders Engineers LtdGRSE1005%
24LogoDestiny Logistics Infra LtdDESTINY1005%
25LogoDrs Dilip Roadlines LtdDRSDILIP1005%
26LogoPatel Integrated Logistics Ltd Partly PaidupPATINTPP1005%
27LogoJet Freight Logistics LtdJETFREIGHT1005%
28LogoSical Logistics LtdSICAL1005%
29LogoTimescan Logistics India LtdTIMESCAN1005%
30LogoCrown Lifters LtdCROWN1005%
31LogoOrissa Bengal Carrier LtdOBCL1005%
32LogoRitco Logistics LtdRITCO1005%
33LogoLancer Container Lines LtdLANCER1005%
34LogoMaheshwari Logistics LtdMAHESHWARI1005%
35LogoDelhivery LtdDELHIVERY1005%
36LogoNavkar Corporation LtdNAVKARCORP1005%
37LogoTransport Corporation Of India LtdTCI1005%
38LogoDredging Corporation Of India LtdDREDGECORP1005%
39LogoSpicejet LtdSPICEJET1005%
40LogoMercator LtdMERCATOR1005%
41LogoKernex Microsystems India LtdKERNEX1005%
42LogoJet Airways India LtdJETAIRWAYS1005%
43LogoNorth Eastern Carrying Corporation LtdNECCLTD1005%
44LogoGati LtdGATI1005%
45LogoGlobal Vectra Helicorp LtdGLOBALVECT1005%
46LogoSanghvi Movers LtdSANGHVIMOV1005%
47LogoPatel Integrated Logistics LtdPATINTLOG1005%
48LogoArshiya LtdARSHIYA1005%
49LogoGlobe International Carriers LtdGICL1005%