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SL No. Logo Company Name Symbol Market Price % of Change
101LogoKaushalya Infrastructure Development Corpn LtdKAUSHALYA1005%
102LogoMadhav Marbles Granites LtdMADHAV1005%
103LogoBurnpur Cement LtdBURNPUR1005%
104LogoSkil Infrastructure LtdSKIL1005%
105LogoJ Kumar Infraprojects LtdJKIL1005%
106LogoSepc LtdSEPC1005%
107LogoAjr Infra And Tolling LtdAJRINFRA1005%
108LogoGi Engineering Solutions LtdGISOLUTION1005%
109LogoMold Tek Technologies LtdMOLDTECH1005%
110LogoPokarna LtdPOKARNA1005%
111LogoGpt Infraprojects LtdGPTINFRA1005%
112LogoAhluwalia Contracts India LtdAHLUCONT1005%
113LogoMbl Infrastructure LtdMBLINFRA1005%
114LogoVascon Engineers LtdVASCONEQ1005%
115LogoArss Infrastructure Projects LtdARSSINFRA1005%
116LogoMan Infraconstruction LtdMANINFRA1005%
117LogoBigbloc Construction LtdBIGBLOC1005%
118LogoJaypee Infratech LtdJPINFRATEC1005%
119LogoUnivastu India LtdUNIVASTU1005%
120LogoDalmia Bharat LtdDALBHARAT1005%